Entrepreneurship & MSME Development Programmes

Ministry / Sole AgencyImplementer / AgencyProgramme NameProgramme Objective / ActivityScope of AssistanceProvide Financial AssistanceSector CoverageTarget GroupProgramme InfoContact DetailsWebsite
1Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)Bumiputera Exporters Development Programme (BEDP)
  • Export assistance programmes design for SMEs Bumiputera companies.
  • The programme helps SMEs to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to penetrate and further expand their export markets.
Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
2Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC)Pembangunan Kompetensi Modal Insan dan Pengetahuan Sektoral Halal
  • Providing recognition to halal industry professionals towards increasing competence in the industry.
  • Provide efforts to increase the competence of local halal companies through intervention and facilitation based on the potential halal sectors.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Development Corporation Berhad(HDC)
5.02, Level 5, KPMG Tower First Avenue Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor
Tel : 03 - 7965 5555
3Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC)Halal Home Grown Champion - Sourcing Partnership 2.0 (HSPP)Providing facilities to potential local halal companies towards entering the supply chain of multinational (MNC) halal product producing companies and large local companies (LLC) as well as towards meeting the definition of halal home grown champion and becoming preferred suppliers.Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Development Corporation Berhad(HDC)
5.02, Level 5, KPMG Tower First Avenue Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor
Tel : 03 - 7965 5555
4Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC)Program Latihan Industri HalalProvide Malaysian halal certification compliance skills training to local halal industry talent Provide training to increase production efficiency through industry best practice to local halal companies.Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Development Corporation Berhad(HDC)
5.02, Level 5, KPMG Tower First Avenue Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor
Tel : 03 - 7965 5555
5Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC)Malaysia Global Halal Show (MGHS)Encourage and increase the participation of Malaysian halal exporting companies in the Malaysia Global Halal Show (MGHS) project by focusing on penetrating international market.Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Development Corporation Berhad(HDC)
5.02, Level 5, KPMG Tower First Avenue Persiaran Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor
Tel : 03 - 7965 5555
6Ministry of Digital (MD)Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)Malaysia Digital X-port Grant (MDXG)Financial incentives to:
  • promote research in strategic areas
  • enhance the development of highly competitive research & innovation activities
  • improve supply of capable & scientifically knowledgeable talent.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESSERVICESMICRO Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) Sdn Bhd
2360 Persiaran APEC
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor
No. Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / 03-8315 3000
7Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM)Product and Quality Enhancement ProgrammeNurture, groom and elevate SMEs from micro to small and medium enterprises for market expansion.Market AccessNOMANUFACTURINGALL Berhad 1,
Persiaran Dato' Menteri
P.O. Box 7035, Section 2
40700 Shah Alam Selangor
Tel: 03-5544 6000 / 1-300-88-7035
8Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (Bioeconomy Corporation)Agro-based Venture Fund (AGVF)• Provide equity funding for Biotechnology and bio-based focus areas; and • Complement the existing public and private sector fund by providing easy access to funding facilities.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (Bioeconomy Corporation)
Ground Floor, Menara Z10
Jalan Alamanda 2, Presint 1
62000 Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya
Tel : 03-8893 4200
9Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)2nd Chance Financing (2CF)
  • To provide financial assistance, advisory services and guidance to SMEs constrained by financial difficulties which are dampened by economic crisis;
  • To provide access to financing for troubled SMEs through Government Scheme Fund. The financial assistance will ease cashflow blockages in resurrecting businesses;
  • To assist viable SMEs facing temporary cash flow by opening path to quickly undertake a fresh start after a crisis and reintegrate into the economic landscape and avoid having their business wound-up or the entrepreneur declared a bankrupt; and
  • To assist reputable companies to acquire equity or shares of SME companies with high potential but facing financial problems.
Access to FinancingYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82 Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
10Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Jabatan Kemajuan Masyarakat (KEMAS)PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN USAHAWAN
  • Provide exposure and basic knowledge to participants in the field of entrepreneurship
  • Giving exposure to the importance of having a legitimate business and directly registering their respective businesses online
  • Giving exposure related to the preparation of a Business Plan or Business Canvas Model
  • Provide exposure to operational management and product and service production models
  • Provide disclosure of financial management and business taxation systematically
  • Giving exposure to the importance of effective sales and marketing in business
Human Capital DevelopmentYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA, B40 Kemajuan Masyarakat (KEMAS)
Aras 5-9, No 47 Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya.
Tel: +603-8891 2682 Faks: +603-8888 2312
11Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)TEKUN Niaga
  • Provide funds to SME for expansion
  • Provide entrepreneurship information and business opportunities to TEKUN participants
  • Provide advisory and support to TEKUN participants
  • - Develop TEKUN entrepreneurship community who are competent, innovative and progresive
  • Inculcate entrepreneur culture among participants, and
  • Provide microfinance facility for working capital requirements to assist small Bumiputera entrepreneur in their existing new start-up business and project implementation
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA, MICRO Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju (Maju Link)
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur
No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
12Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)Services Biz Financing (SBF)
  • Enhance the capacity building of local companies facing intense competition by the impact of liberalisation;
  • Encourage the expansion/ upgrading/ modernisation/ diversification of existing services providers into higher value-added activities and improving productivity and efficiency in service delivery;
  • Assist existing and new companies in the services sector to improve company’s cash flow and cost of doing business; and
  • Encourage service companies to expand their markets locally and globally;
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82
Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
13Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)Soft Financing for Digital and Technology (SFDT)
  • Accelerate local SMEs in adoption of e-commerce;
  • Increase marketability of local SMEs’ products into national and global market; and
  • Encourage and increase utilization of digital technologies among local SMEs as a means to escalate competitiveness and efficiency and marketability.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESALL SECTORSALL Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82
Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
14Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)Soft Loan Scheme for Automation and Modernisation (SLSAM)
  • Encourage companies in the manufacturing sector for modernising and automating manufacturing processes;
  • Upgrading the capacity and production capacity of the company;
  • Diversify value added activities and higher services;
  • Reduce dependence on labour-intensive activities and foreign workers; and v.Make use of information communication technology (ICT) to improve competitiveness, efficiency and productivity as well as enhance engineering design capabilities and the commercialization of new products in local and international market.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82 Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
15Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)Soft Loan Scheme for Bumiputera Automotive Entrepreneur (SLBAE) Facilitate and assist Open Approved Permit (AP) holders in expanding and diversification into other automotive-related businesses. The programme also help to sustain and enhance Bumiputera participation in the automotive industry.Access to FinancingYESMANUFACTURINGBUMIPUTERA Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82 Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
16Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad (MIDF)Sustainable and Green Biz Financing (SGBF)
  • Encourage and increase utilisation of green technology and energy efficiency among local industry players;
  • Increase marketability of local companies using green technology and energy efficiency into national & global market;
  • Encourage the use of energy efficiency systems and the use of ‘greener’ manufacturing processes which reduce water and raw material consumption and thus minimize air pollution, solid waste and waste generation;
  • Assist local industry players to improve the cash flow and reduce the business costs.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Industrial Development Finance (MIDF)
Level 15, Menara MIDF 82
Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2173 8888
17Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Bimbingan Bisnes Bumiputera (IBBC)IBBC is a coaching and training programme for entrepreneurs by industry mentors and trainers to increase the scale of their business, especially increasing sales and strengthening business strategies to remain relevant in the market.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESBUMIPUTERA Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN) Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2,
Cyber 6 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor
Tel: 03-8314 8800
18Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Koperasi, Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (BPKPPK)Program Pembudayaan dan Pemerkasaan Keusahawanan Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (Empower PPK)Cultivating the basics and values ??of entrepreneurship and good business management to new hawkers and petty tradersHuman Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESMICRO of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5, Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
19Ministry of Digital (MD)Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)Program Penerimagunaan e-DagangFostering the adoption of e-commerce and internet economy among the target groups to accelerate the overall growth of the Malaysia's e-commerce GDPMarket AccessNOSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
2360 Persiaran APEC
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor
No. Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / 03-8315 3000
20Ministry of Digital (MD)Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)Program Transformasi Pendigitalan PMKS
  • Provide SMEs with a boost in the right direction of adopting digital solutions.
  • Provide practical guidance on the step-by-step guidance on adopting digital solutions
  • Provide recommendation on the next steps for SMEs to scale up the business operation and move up the technologies value chain.
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
2360 Persiaran APEC
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor
No. Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / 03-8315 3000
21Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Koperasi, Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (BPKPPK)Program Pembiayaan Mikro untuk Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (MPPK 2.0)Providing financial assistance to micro-entrepreneurs in order to improve and enhance their business venturesAccess to FinancingYESSERVICESMICRO of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,
Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
22Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)Bumiputera Enterprise Enhancement Programme (BEEP) Develop potential Bumiputera SMEs in all states. The programme provides selected Bumiputera SMEs with comprehensive assistance package, comprising of financial assistance and advisory services.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
23Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Bimbingan Keuntungan Menu (ME)A three-month intensive coaching and training program for entrepreneurs to improve, and re-evaluate the existing menu in terms of concept, sales price, cost, and target customers to maximize profits.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270,
Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
24Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Bimbingan Usahawan Permulaan (STC)A 6-month coaching and training programme for entrepreneurs to strengthen their business management skills and be more competitive in the market.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN, CoPlace 1 2270,
Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
25Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Koperasi, Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (BPKPPK)Program Pembudayaan Pendigitalan Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (Digital PPK)
  • Giving participants exposure to latest business concepts, access to program assistance and financing as well as knowledge of the latest innovations in improving business operations.
  • Increase business income through the use of digitization methods in business.
  • Increase the competitiveness of business through adaptation with the current business environment.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESMICRO of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5, Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
26Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT)Bahagian Kesejahteraan Komuniti (BSK) / Bahagian Kesejahteraan Bandar Program Pemerkasaan Ekonomi Komuniti Bandar (Program PEKB)To improve the skills of the target group (B40 in urban areas) to become individual business owners (entrepreneurs) with the aim to increase their income and improve their quality of life towards poverty eradication.Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOSERVICESB40 of Local Government Development (KPKT)
51, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8000
27Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)PRESTIGE: Nanotechnology Initiative (PRESTIGE: NTI)The programme's objective is to develop high growth firms in the Nanotechnology sector and become home-grown champions by cultivating and integrating them into the Nanotechnology industry supply chain. This program is also in line with Dasar Keusahawanan Negara 2030 (DKN2030) to develop SMEs in the form of capacity building and facilitation to penetrate into new markets and create linkages with major players in the Nanotechnology industry.Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology Adoption , Market AccessYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
28Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)Business Accelerator Programme (BAP 3.0) An integrated programme with versatile coverage to develop and nurture dynamic, competitive and resilient SMEs through SCORE, capacity building, advisory and technical support as well as financial support.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
29Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)Program Pembangunan Perniagaan Usahawan Mikro (BizME 2.0 (2024)Provide competitive skills and technical support for micro enterprises to increase productivity and to run business more efficiently.Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
30Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)Women Exporters Development Programme (WEDP)
  • Export assistance programmes designed for SMEs Women companies.
  • The programme helps SMEs to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to penetrate and further expand their export market.
Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESWOMEN External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
31Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC)Halal Technology Development Fund (HTDF Halal Program)
  • Finance and nurture small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the halal industry for long-term growth and export through halal compliant activities.
  • The Fund is a hybrid matching fund through Convertible Promise Note (CPN) and grant.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Technology Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (MTDC)
Ground Floor, Menara Yayasan Tun Razak
Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone : 03-2172 6000
32Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)GALAKAN EKSPORT BUMIPUTERA (GEB)This programme is to increase the participation of Bumiputera SMEs in the export market through supply chain among Bumiputera SMEs.Access to Financing , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
33Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)Youth Exporters Development Programme (YEDP)
  • Export assistance programmes designed for SMEs Youth companies.
  • The programme helps SMEs to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to penetrate and further expand their export market.
Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESYOUTH External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
34Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)SMEs Go Global (SMEGG)Bringing local SMEs especially in high growth industries to the global market through business linkages and collaboration strategies including supply chainAccess to Financing , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
35Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE) 2024The programme directly supports the nation's youth development policy where entrepreneurship is one of the key areas of focus for youth to move forward. The programme targets Bumiputera youths between the ages of 18 and 30 who have deep interest in engaging in entrepreneurship, especially youths who have basic skills certificates from local training institutions or skills centers.

The main objectives of the programme are to:
  • Acculturate entrepreneurship;
  • Encourage paradigm shift from job seekers to employment providers; and
  • Create resilience and sustainability of entrepreneurs.
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B
Platinum Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
36Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)BNM Fund for SMEs
  • High Tech & Green Facility / Kemudahan Teknologi Tinggi & Hijau (HTF/HTG)
  • Low Carbon Transition Facility /Kemudahan Peralihan Rendah Karbon (LCTF)
  • Disaster Relief Facility / Kemudahan Bantuan Bencana (DRF)
  • Business Recapitalisation Facility / Kemudahan Permodalan Semula Perniagaan (BRF) (BNM Fund for SMEs)
  • HTG is designed to help MSMEs and innovative start-ups to grow their businesses and invest in strategic sectors and technologies fields (digital tech, green tech and biotech) for a sustainable and entrenched economic recovery.
  • LCTF is aimed to encourage and support SMEs to adopt sustainable practices for business resilience.
  • DRF is to alleviate the financial burden of the MSMEs affected by floods and enable them to resume their business operations.
  • BRF aims to support SMEs to recover and grow, while managing their level of indebtedness through innovative financing solution.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,B40 Guarantee Corporation (CGC)
97, Jalan SS 7/2, Ss 7
47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor

No. Tel: 03-7880 0088
37Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Projek Be Your Own Boss (BYOB) Providing financing facilities to successful BYOB participants who are absorbed as franchisees and licensees of a particular brand. The financing is specifically designed to assist them in establishing the business outlet (CAPEX requirements).Access to FinancingYESSERVICESWOMEN ,YOUTH Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
38Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)Ikhtiar Financing Scheme Reduce poverty rate in Malaysia by providing to poor household to enable them to undertake viable economic activity to upgrade their household income includes i-Mesra and i-Srikandi.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)
Menara Amanah Ikhtiar
No 3 Jalan Cempaka SD 12/1A
Bandar Sri Damansara PJU9
52200 Kuala Lumpur
39Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)eTRADE Programme 2.0 (eTRADE 2.0)To accelerate exports via sustained participation of Malaysian companies in cross-border e-commerce platforms and to continue advocating the use of eCommerce for exports to companies that are yet to do so.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
40Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)Ikhtiar Financing Scheme - I MudaReduce poverty rate in Malaysia by providing financing to poor households age 18 to 40 years old to enable them to undertake viable economic activity to upgrade their household income through scheme i-Muda.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM)
Menara Amanah Ikhtiar
No 3 Jalan Cempaka SD 12/1A
Bandar Sri Damansara PJU9
52200 Kuala Lumpur
41Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)SERVICES EXPORT FUND (SEF) 2024The Services Export Fund (SEF) is a trade support facility that assists Malaysian entities involved in the service industry, such as companies (Malaysian Service Providers or MSPs), Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Professional Bodies, Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs), Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) and Co-operatives to undertake export-related activities in international markets.Access to Financing , Market AccessYESSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
42Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Skim Pembiayaan Francais/ Pra-Francais (Pengeluaran Pinjaman)Providing financing at a competitive profit rate to companies for the purpose of business expansion through the franchise systemAccess to FinancingYESSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
43Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Program Pembangunan Francaisor/ Projek Xcelerator (FDP/ Xcelerator)
  • Developing businesses with the potential to become franchise businesses.
  • Providing advice and guidance in preparing to become a franchisor.
  • Increasing the number of Bumiputera franchisors and franchisees.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
44Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)EXPORTERS TRAINING PROGRAMME (ET)Equip SMEs with necessary knowledge and skills to enhance their export capabilityHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
45Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekonomi Komuniti (BPEK)Program Desamall 2.0 (Desamall)
  • To expand the market of products and services produced by rural entrepreneurs through e-commerce platform
  • To increase sales volume of rural entrepreneurs' products and services between 10-30% per year
  • To assist rural entrepreneur to improving the quality of their products prior to entering the e-commerce platform
Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)
No 47, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8001
46Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA)Pakej Pembekalan AgroSedia - Pengukuhan Institusi Peruncitan
  • Gerai Buah-buahan Segar (GBBS) (2)
  • Medan Gerai Buah-buahan Segar (GBBS) (4)
  • Karavan Tani (11)
  • Medan Food Truck (3)
  • Agrobazaar Rakyat (16)
Provide a variety of retail outlets for farmers / small producers to market their products directly.Market AccessNOSERVICESMICRO ,B40
Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA)
Ibu Pejabat FAMA Bangunan FAMA
Point Lot 17304 Jalan Persiaran 1
Bandar Baru Selayang
68100 Batu Caves Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Tel:03-6126 2020 Fax:03-6138 5200
47Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Cocoa Board (LKM)Pembangunan Usahawan Coklat Tahun 2024
  • Penyertaan Usahawan Coklat Melalui Program Promosi Domestik Tahun 2024
  • Program Latihan melalui Aktiviti Pemindahan Teknologi penganjuran Kursus Asas Pembangunan Usahawan Coklat Buatan Tangan
  • Program Peningkatan Kapasiti Pengeluaran Produk Usahawan Coklat melalui Pemberian Insentif (Program Pembangunan Usahawan Coklat Tahun 2024)
  • Increase Promotion Of Local Chocolates Products Via Various Domestics Promotions Programs in align to increase sales among local Chocolates Entrepreneurs
  • To Attract and increase participation among various target groups in Technology Transfer & Skill Developments for Producing Handmade Chocolates as Medium to Generate Incomes through Handmade Chocolate Course.
  • Increase Local Chocolate Production Capacity Through Machineries Incentives, developments of attractive packaging to selected and identified entrepreneurs
Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology Adoption , Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Cocoa Board (LKM)
5th,6th & 7th Floor Wisma SEDCO
Locked Bag 211
88999 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

No. Tel: 088-206 400 / 088-234 472 / 273 / 474 / 477
48Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)FELCRA Berhad (FELCRA)PROGRAM PERLENGKAPAN KAMPUNG - PREMIS PERNIAGAAN 2024Helping entrepreneurs by providing conducive Business Premises for the purpose of increasing the entrepreneur's income.InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,RURAL ,B40 ,OKU Berhad
Wisma FELCRA, Lot 4780
Jalan Rejang Setapak Jaya Peti Surat 12254
50772 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: 603 - 4145 5000
49Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekosistem Keusahawanan (BPES)Program Jelajah Keusahawanan Bersasar (JKEB) Increase knowledge and skills in financial management and digital marketing among the target group.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSWOMEN ,YOUTH ,B40 of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,
Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
50Ministry of Human Resources (KESUMA)Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRD Corp.)SME Skills 2024
  • To enable Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises (SME) enhance their career development by increasing their skills.
  • To encourage SME employers to continuously and systematically train their employees to increase their level of competency.
  • To produce more skilled workers for the industries in order to remain competitive and sustainability in the global market.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Sumber Manusia Berhad (HRD Corp.)
Wisma HRD Corp
Jalan Beringin Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur
51Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Konsultasi Bisnes (Bizclinic)One-to-one consultation sessions for entrepreneurs by INSKEN BisKaunselor to help them identify and obtain important input/information such as training or guidance needs, finance, marketing, and appropriate information to support their business.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270,
Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
52Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekonomi Komuniti (BPEK)Program Desa Lestari (PDL)
  • Enhance the community abilities in planning and implementing projects in the villages
  • Develop economic activities by creating job opportunities and wealth creation to the community via cooperative
Access to Financing , InfrastructureYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,RURAL Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)
No 47, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8001
53Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Kursus Asas Pembangunan Produk dan Servis (KAPPS)Increase awareness and skills among entrepreneurs to develop their products/services based on 6 main stages in the product/service development process so that the products/services produced/offered meet customer needs, are of good quality, and can remain competitive in the market in addition to offering new products/services that are relevant to the needs market.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber
663000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
54Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Kursus Asas IndustriProvide a practical introduction to participants on operations management (human resources), business operations, marketing, and finance through the provision of formats that can be used directly by participants in the updated versionHuman Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
55Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Kursus Asas Keusahawanan (KAK)Provide a step-by-step guide for potential entrepreneurs who want to enter the business field and also for existing entrepreneurs who want to strengthen their businessHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
56Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Kursus Urus Tunai Lanjutan (KUT 2.0)To help participants record the entire business transaction systematically and completely based on the Kursus Urus Tunai module by providing a complete business record according to the type of transaction based on the 12 Month Record of Rekod Tunai Saya (RTS) & Rekod Stok Saya (RSS), including preparing Financial Statements and then using them for taxation purposes.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
57Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Latihan Kepimpinan Keusahawanan (PBB)Review the effectiveness of leadership training initiatives and entrepreneurship development, institutions, existing policies related to the delivery of the agenda, the achievement of inclusion to bridge the economic gap and improve the quality of training and development of existing entrepreneurship training, plan, identify, monitor and/or lead efforts new to strengthen the current level of entrepreneurial efforts.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
58Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Latihan BisnesImplement programmes and activities related to the development and training of national entrepreneurs in close cooperation with other government agencies, institutions and organizations in other countries to plan new programmes and also monitor the effectiveness of related programmes. Improving the quality of training and development of existing entrepreneurial training, planning, identifying, monitoring and/or leading new efforts to strengthen the current level of entrepreneurial efforts.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
59Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Pembangunan Kapasiti BisKaunselor, Pakar Industri dan Fasilitator PerniagaanThis programme provides a step-by-step guide for entrepreneurship officers who want to learn about entrepreneurship. This program also provides understanding to entrepreneurs based on 6 main processes starting with the product/service idea to be offered to customers, market analysis & validation to confirm customer demand, preparing product prototypes before mass production, and identifying strategic methods of obtaining materials- raw materials for production and methods of setting the cost and price of products/services to be sold in the market based on the calculation of the profit margin selection of the right commercialization channel based on the products/services offered to specific target groups of customers to be more effective & understand the life cycle of each product/service each so that entrepreneurs will always be aware when they must offer/introduce new products/services in the market to remain relevant and increase profits.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
60Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Institut Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)Program Bertemu Usahawan (IBO)Providing guidance, step-by-step technically and improvements to entrepreneurs who venture into the business fieldHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Keusahawanan Negara (INSKEN)
Kampus INSKEN,
CoPlace 1 2270, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

Tel: 03-8314 8800
61Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK)Program Pembangunan Kapasiti KontraktorProvide training courses/programs for Bumiputera contractors.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESBUMIPUTERA of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
62Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Business Exports Program BEP 3.0 (BEP)To support government's initiatives to increase export sales of MSMEs.Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
63Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Juara Lestari Perusahaan Sosial 2.0To assist accredited social enterprises in formulating sustainable and competitive business plans.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
64Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Skim Pembiayaan Perusahaan Sosial (SPPS)Financial assistance to Basic Social Enterprise for asset acquisition and/or working capital requirement.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
65Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Dana Kemampanan PMKS Bumiputera 2.0Financing facilities for asset acquisition and/or working capital requirement to elevate their business to a higher level in term of production capacity, market penetration and competitiveness.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
66Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekosistem Keusahawanan (BPES) / Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Platform Pembangunan Ekosistem Keusahawanan Digital - MyMall To create an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem development platform for local entrepreneurs that includes four main areas: e-commerce, marketing, financing, and training.Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
68Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)Market Development Grant (MDG)Assistance for SMEs, Service Providers, Trade and Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies to undertake activities for the development of export market.Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,RURAL ,B40 External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603-6207 7077 / 1 800 88 7280
69Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM)Graduate Mentoring ProgramProviding business opportunities by offering a Mentor-Mentee concept program that provides training and business guidance from vendors. Program participants will conduct business under the close supervision of a Mentor provided with Bank Rakyat financing (subject to eligibility)Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSYOUTH Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat
33, Jalan Rakyat, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1-300-80-5454
70Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Program B.I.T (Business In Transformation Program)To awaken micro, small, and medium-sized Bumiputera entrepreneurs towards franchising businesses so that they can develop their businesses systematically, generate more income, and be competitive in the market.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7,Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
71Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Pembukaan Outlet Baharu Gloria Jeans Coffee (GJC)Increasing the number of high-quality, forward-thinking, resilient, globally minded, and competitive new entrepreneurs through mentoring programs, training, and capacity-building offered to aspiring entrepreneurs.Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
72Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Dana Pemantapan AutomasiTo assist SMEs in 3D (dirty, dangerous and difficult) sectors particularly in manufacturing, services, agriculture and construction, which have been affected by COVID-19 pandemic.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
74Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Program Jaguh SerantauFinancing to support Bumiputera SMEs with the potential to become regional champions.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
75Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Program Pembiayaan HalalBiz (HalalBiz)Financing program for the purchase of assets and/or working capital (including the cost of obtaining Halal certification) to encourage participation of MSMEs in the Halal industry ecosystem in Malaysia.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
78Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)SME Technology Transformation Fund (STTF)To provide financial assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to adopt digitalisation and/or apply IR4.0 in their business operations in achieving higher productivity, process efficiency, efficient cost management and greater market penetration.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
80Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Small Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad (SME BANK)Tabung Khas Pelancongan (TKP) To support government's efforts to develop tourism industryAccess to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Medium Enterprise Development Bank Malaysia Berhad(SME BANK)
Menara SME Bank,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2603 7700
81Ministry of Digital (MD)Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)Dana Teknologi Inovasi Untuk Globalisasi (TIG)Incentives to encourage product development up to commercialisation stage in order to: i. spearhead development of innovative & commercially viable products and services ii. increase number of commercially viable IP iii. improve competitiveness of companies to enable them going globalAccess to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESSERVICESMICRO Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
2360 Persiaran APEC
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

No. Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / 03-8315 3000
84Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Jelajah Bizfrancais
  • Promoting and introducing the roles, services, products, and projects offered by Pernas.
  • Raising awareness and garnering public interest in franchising entrepreneurship.
  • Encouraging potential entrepreneurs to delve into franchising entrepreneurship.
  • Enhancing the financing potential of Pernas.
Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A, Menara Pernas Tower 7,
Avenue 7, Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
87Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Program Latihan Francais (Latihan)Increase in the number of aspiring entrepreneurs / entrepreneurs participating in franchising entrepreneurship training programs.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A, Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
88Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Bahagian Dana (Dana)Research & Development Fund (R&D)
  • Assist in developing process, technology and new products or improvements to existing processes and technology to be commercialised;
  • Create an environment to encourage technopreneur; and
  • Increase applications of innovative and technologies in communities as social responsibility
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Aras 1-7, Blok C4 & C5,Kompleks C
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62662, Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8885 8393 / 8324 / 8367 / 8704 / 8322
89Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Hari Francais Negara (HFN) Pernas will introduce and showcase Bumiputera entrepreneur companies under the BIT Program from across states and various industries such as food and beverage, services, education, retail, and others to the public. Booths of both Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera franchisors will also be opened to offer franchise opportunities to Bumiputera visitors.Market AccessNOSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A, Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
90Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Pembukaan Outlet Baharu 1901 Hotdog (1901)Developing the number of local entrepreneurs through the 1901 business.Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A, Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
91Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM)Conformity AssessmentSupport SMEs in complying with National/International Standards and penetrate global market.Market AccessNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Berhad
1, Persiaran Dato' Menteri
P.O.Box 7035, Section 2
40700 Shah Alam Selangor

Tel: 03-5544 6000 / 1-300-88-7035
92Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP)Agriprentice (Agriprentice)
  • Improve farmer's net income more than RM4,000 per month
  • Creating new agropreneuars that are capable to undertake an agriculture production, processing and provide a larg-scale of services with good quality products
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESAGRICULTUREBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Pertubuhan Peladang(LPP)
Ibu Pejabat LPP Menara LPP
No. 20 , Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50480 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2610 9600
93Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP)Program Pemerkasaan Usahawan Peladang (RISE-UP)
  • Improve farmer's net income more than RM4,000 per month
  • Creating an agropreneurs that are capable to undertake an agriculture production, processing and provide a large-scale services with good quality of products
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESAGRICULTUREALL Pertubuhan Peladang(LPP)
Ibu Pejabat LPP Menara LPP
No. 20 , Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50480 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2610 9600
94Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)Webinar BizFrancais Promoting and introducing the roles, services, products, and projects offered by Pernas through digital platforms. Raising awareness and piquing the interest of the public towards franchising entrepreneurship. Encouraging potential entrepreneurs to venture into franchising entrepreneurship.Market AccessNOSERVICESALLPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS)
Ibu Pejabat Aras 13A,
Menara Pernas Tower 7, Avenue 7,
Bangsar South City No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03-2082 7788 Faks 03-2082 7787
95Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM)Calibration and Measurement ServicesEnsure all measurement services are competent and products tested are globally recognised calibration & measurement services in order to comply with national and international standards under the CIPM MRA requirements / Calibration services, PT services, Legal metrology services, Metrology Education, Validation and Witnessing and Metrology consultancy.Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Berhad
1, Persiaran Dato' Menteri
P.O. Box 7035, Section 2
40700 Shah Alam Selangor

Tel: 03-5544 6000 / 1-300-88-7035
96Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB)Program Pemantapan Industri Hiliran Lada (Focus on Downstream Activities)Initiative of downstream entrepreneurs to produce pepper and spice based productsAccess to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURINGALL Pepper Board (MPB)
Lot 1115, Jalan Utama
93450 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 082-331 811
97Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)KONTRAK-i
  • Financing through factoring aims to provide immediate financing facilities to entrepreneurs who have obtained work contracts but lack capital.
  • Give an alternative to entrepreneurs to get additional capital quickly.
  • To finance contracts and supplies directly obtained from the Federal Government, State Governments, Government Agencies and Government Linked Companies (GLCs).
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,MICRO Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
98Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)TEMAN TEKUN
  • Providing group financing facilities more easily, quickly, and efficiently for business use. - Emphasizing the responsibility of the group members as social collateral (peer pressure as social collateral) to ensure that the members use the funding for the purpose requested as well as the repayment of the funding according to the schedule that has been set.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,B40 Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
99Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)Skim Pembangunan Usahawan Masyarakat India (SPUMI)
  • The microfinancing scheme aims to provide financing facilities for doing business among entrepreneurs in the Indian community.
  • Encouraging Indian entrepreneurs to venture into the business through incentives in addition to promoting entrepreneurship in Malaysia.
  • Helping entrepreneurs get access to financing / not eligible for financing from other financial institutions.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSMICRO Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
100Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)TEKUN - WANITA
  • Provide funds to women SME for expansion
  • Provide entrepreneurship information and business opportunities to TEKUN participants
  • Provide advisory and support to TEKUN participants
  • Develop TEKUN entrepreneurship community who are competent, innovative and progresive - Inculcate entrepreneur culture among participants, and
  • Provide microfinance facility for working capital requirements to assist small Bumiputera entrepreneur in their existing new start-up business and project implementation
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
101Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)TEKUN Mobilepreneur 4.0
  • Capital financing for entrepreneurs of goods delivery services using motorcycles.
  • Provide an opportunity to generate income through delivery services.
  • Financing for the purpose of repairing/purchasing a motorcycle
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESBUMIPUTERA Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional Menara
5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
103Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)SKIM PEMBIAYAAN USAHAWAN TAMU (SPUT)A group micro financing scheme for Usahawan Pasar Tamu to increase the income and socioeconomic status of the B40 group in Sabah & Sarawak.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional Menara
5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
104Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB)Program Pembangunan Keusahawanan LadaIncrease the number of pepper entrepreneursHuman Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURINGALL Pepper Board (MPB)
Lot 1115, Jalan Utama
93450 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 082-331 811
105Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)TEKUN Nasional (TEKUN)SKIM PEMBIAYAAN USAHAWAN KRAF (KRAF)Provide capital financing for the following purposes:
  • Stimulating the craft industry among craft entrepreneurs
  • Helping micro-category craft entrepreneurs to grow their business
  • Build a network of established local craft entrepreneurs
  • Creating job opportunities among local residents and handicraft institute graduates
  • Maintain cultural and artistic values of local heritage
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESBUMIPUTERA Nasional Ibu Pejabat TEKUN Nasional
Menara 5 Jalan Lingkaran Tengah Lingkaran Maju ( Maju Link )
57000 Bandar Tasik Selatan Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9059 8888
106Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli Malaysia (JAKOA)BANTUAN BIMBINGAN USAHAWAN ORANG ASLI 2024Providing entrepreneurial assistance to accelerate the development and profitability of Orang Asli business / es.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 ,ORANG ASLI Kemajuan Orang Asli Malaysia (JAKOA)
Tingkat 3, West Block Wisma Golden Eagle Realty
142-C,Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2161 0577
107Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli Malaysia (JAKOA)KURSUS DAN LATIHAN KEUSAHAWANAN 2024Pursuance and enhancement to knowledge and skills among the Orang Asli in entrepreneurship. Courses, skills training and seminars are conducted in collaboration with other Government Departments/ Agencies / Training Provider.Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 ,ORANG ASLI Kemajuan Orang Asli Malaysia (JAKOA)
Tingkat 3, West Block Wisma Golden Eagle Realty
142-C, Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2161 0577
108Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Dasar dan Hubungan Antarabangsa (BDHA) / INSTITUT KEUSAHAWANAN NEGARA (INSKEN) Program Pembudayaan Keusahawanan Sosial.Increase understanding and awareness of social entrepreneurship to entrepreneurs and increase the number of social enterprise verificationsHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
109Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)Inclusive SME Ecosystem (i-SEE) To empower the bottom 40% of the income group by leveraging on innovation. The programme will promote transformation of communities, including microenterprise in the rural areas through handholding as well as provision of technical, financial and management supportAccess to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESALL SECTORSALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B Platinum Sentral,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
110Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)SME Corporation Malaysia (SME CORP.)SME Rating & Accreditation (SRA)
  • Encourage MSMEs to obtain rating / certification to facilitate market access;
  • Encourage MSMEs to venture into high-tech and innovation-driven industries; and
  • Recognise quality of products and services by local MSMEs.
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Corporation Malaysia
Level 6, SME 1, Block B Platinum Sentral,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9213 0077
111Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)e-Shared Prosperity Organisation (eSPO)Acknowledge organisation that practices mutual wealth creation and wealth sharing between employers and employeesHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Productivity Corporation (MPC)
Jalan Sultan,Jalan Sultan
46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor

Tel: 03-7955 7266
112Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Perak (UPEN PERAK)Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Perak (UPEN PERAK) / SEKRETARIAT USAHAWAN NEGERI PERAK (STeP) Siri Jelajah Hari Usahawan, Agro dan Koperasi Negeri Perak 2024The Perak State Entrepreneur and Cooperative Day Tour Series has been implemented since 2023 with the support of more than 40 federal and Perak state departments and agencies. The objectives of this tour series are:
  • As a platform to help as many PMKS entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs in the state of Perak have direct access to information regarding assistance programs, financial assistance, non-financial assistance, grants, guidance and other assistance programs for entrepreneurs provided by more than 40 ministries, departments, authorities, federal agencies and the state of Perak.
  • As a platform for the Perak state government to welcome entrepreneurs in the Perak state district.
  • Providing sessions and series of briefings by various agencies / departments related to entrepreneurship
  • As a platform for monitoring the development of entrepreneurs throughout the state of Perak.
  • As a data collection platform for entrepreneurs in each district in the state of Perak and identify the forms of help and advice that can be provided by agencies related to entrepreneurship.
  • To help improve networking sessions and collaboration between entrepreneurs and agencies related to entrepreneurship.
  • As a platform for disseminating information related to the latest opportunities, programs, activities and incentives under the entrepreneurial agencies and commercial banks involved to all corners of the state of Perak.
  • As a platform to help promote the products of local entrepreneurs in every district in Perak; and
  • To help the development of the local economy and help the development of informal, micro and small entrepreneurs in the state of Perak.
113Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM)Pembiayaan PMKSEnhancing the growth of the MSME sector and encouraging the involvement of entrepreneurs in upgrading the MSME ecosystem in line with the goals of DKN2030Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat
33, Jalan Rakyat, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1-300-80-5454
114Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM)RakyatPreneur B40 (i-Tekad)
  • iTEKAD is an inclusive proam created by Bank Negara Malaysia, with the aim of helping low-income micro-entrepreneurs to strengthen their financial management and business acumen towards generating sustainable income. Each iTEKAD program combines the provision to be financed by BNM Grants plus structured entrepreneurship training.
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSB40 Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat
33, Jalan Rakyat, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1-300-80-5454
115Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Kumpulan Modal Perdana Sdn Bhd (KMP)Electrical & Electronics and Renewal Energy Fund (E&E and RE Fund)Provide venture capital financing to relevant companies in Electrical & Electronics (E&E) and renewable energy (RE) sector as well as other related deep technology sectors.Access to FinancingYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Modal Perdana Sdn. Bhd.(KMP)
L15-01-02 PJX HM Shah Tower
No. 16A Persiaran Barat
46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan

No. Tel : 03 - 7964 5200
116Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)Melaksanakan Inisiatif Pusat Produktiviti Peringkat Sektor (NEXUS) -Pembinaan dan Logistik
  • Create a Productivity Nexus to implement initiatives from the Malaysia Productivity Blueprint to ensure productivity targets are met.
  • Create a platform to meet the need for specific productivity sector initiatives to be driven, implemented, and monitored
Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESMICRO Productivity Corporation (MPC)
Jalan Sultan,Jalan Sultan
46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor

Tel: 03-7955 7266
117Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (CRADLE) / Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd CIP SPARK
  • CIP Spark is a pre-seed programme that provides conditional grant of up to RM150,000. It is specifically for entrepreneurs, teams and tech-based start-ups to develop technology-based and innovative ideas into Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) stage products.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Fund Sdn Bhd
Level 20, Sunway Putra Tower 100 Jalan Putra
50350 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03 4045 8600
  • Conducting interventions for the development of unique products with the identity of a region against the entire ecosystem until the products are ready to be commercialized to help the local community's economy
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
119Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (CRADLE) / Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd CIP SPRINT
  • CIP Sprint is a new seed programme that provides conditional convertible grant of up to RM600,000. it is specifically for tech-based start-ups to commercialise their innovative technologies and products.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Fund Sdn Bhd
Level 20, Sunway Putra Tower 100 Jalan Putra
50350 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03 4045 8600
120Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Program Pembangunan Kapasiti Usahawan Industri Halal
  • Targeted development within the halal industry; and
  • To enhance competitiveness of entrepreneur and cooperative in producing and providing halal products/services.
Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
121Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Bahagian Industri Makanan dan Asas Tani (BIMAT) / Jabatan Pertanian Program Agropreneur Muda (PAM)
  • To help and encourage the involvement of youth in the agricultural sector which covers all areas of the value chain such as crops, livestock, fisheries and agro-based industries including marketing, training and technical courses, provision of support services and inputs of agriculture and agro-tourism.
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESAGRICULTUREALL of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)
Bahagian Industri Makanan Wisma Tani,
No. 28, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62624 Putrajaya
122Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)NanoMalaysia Berhad (NMB)Program Pengkomersialan Nanoteknologi REVOLUTIoNT, RMKE-12 termasuk National Graphene Action Plan (Graphenovation) dan iNanovation
  • Implementation of graphene and nanotechnology based projects to develop 4IR nanotechnology ecosystem using the concept of quadruple helix through collaboration between industry, research centers / universities, citizens and government and using the model of Venture Builder.
  • An allocation of RM 1 million for each product development project and RM 2 million for each scale-up project.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESALL SECTORSMICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Berhad (NMB)
A-2-2 & A-2-3 Level 2 157
Hampshire Place Office
No. 1 Jalan Mayang Sari
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2166 8849
123Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)NanoMalaysia Berhad (NMB)NanoMalaysia Energy Storage Technology InitiativePower storage projects that use nanotechnology to supply electrical power to tools or devices and electronic systems such as laptops, tablets and telephones are easy to use. The main objectives of building this project are to:
  • Through NESTI, Malaysia responds to the growing demand for power storage systems from the renewable power sector (Fi, NEM and Large Scale Solar), power (power quality and stability), the digital economy sector (MyDIGITAL, electronic devices and systems) and also the emerging new market of electric vehicles in asean and global regions.
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSALL Berhad (NMB)
A-2-2 & A-2-3 Level 2 157
Hampshire Place Office
No. 1 Jalan Mayang Sari
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2166 8849
124Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)Program Insentif Usahawan UDA (PIUU) (An incentive program for entrepreneur)
  • Provision of retail space for PMKS entrepreneurs and training schemes to business-related PMKS entrepreneurs to help PMKS entrepreneurs be competitive and stay in the market
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Holdings Berhad Pertama Complex,
Tower Block Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2730 8500
125Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)NanoMalaysia Berhad (NMB)HYDROGEN ECONANOMY 2.0
  • Act as an initiative to: Increase the scale of projects under Hydrogen EcoNanoMy (H2E) 1.0; and Develop and validate new hydrogen technologies in line with the Economic Roadmap and Hydrogen Technology (HETR). Coordinate HETR's target to achieve Levelised Cost of Hydrogen as low as USD 1.00 per kilogram for the acceptance of related industry sectors and the realization of the Hydrogen Economy in Malaysia 2. Moving Malaysia forward in the hydrogen energy sector as a leader in the global market with no need for off-site generation infrastructure, storage, plant and gas filling stations further contributes to the country's aspiration for a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and the achievement of carbon neutrality in 2050.
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSALL Berhad (NMB)
A-2-2 & A-2-3 Level 2 157
Hampshire Place Office
No. 1 Jalan Mayang Sari
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2166 8849
126Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)UDA One Stop Retail Centre (MARI Mart)
  • The provision of strategic locations, buildings and retail spaces, as a hub for SME entrepreneurs to market products in accordance with standards and guidelines, quality and product quality.
Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Holdings Berhad Pertama Complex,
Tower Block Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2730 8500
127Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)Malaysian Entrepreneur Hub (MEH)
  • The provision of strategic locations, buildings and retail spaces, as a hub for SME entrepreneurs to market products in accordance with standards and guidelines, quality and product quality.
Infrastructure , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Holdings Berhad Pertama Complex,
Tower Block Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2730 8500
128Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)Malaysian Entrepreneur Hub (MEH)
  • The provision of strategic locations, buildings and retail spaces, as a hub for SME entrepreneurs to market products in accordance with standards and guidelines, quality and product quality. Debt Ventures (MDV)
Level 5, Menara Bank Pembangunan
1016 Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2617 2888
129Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV) / Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad MDV TACT & MDV Commercialisation Fund v2.0 (MDV TACT)
  • To provide early stage financing to tech companies for further growth, mainly for the purpose of working capital requirement, asset / equipment purchase and business development.
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Debt Ventures (MDV)
Level 5, Menara Bank Pembangunan
1016 Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2617 2888
130Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV) / Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad MDV Technology Venture Financing Microfund Guarantee Scheme (MDV-TECHVFMG) (MDV-TECHVFMG)
  • To establish funds via co-funding deals with investors from private sector that will provide venture financing to tech start-up and tech-based companies for further growth, mainly for the purpose of working capital requirement, asset / equipment purchase and business development.
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat
33, Jalan Rakyat, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1-300-80-5454
131Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM)Bank Rakyat UNIpreneur 4.0
  • Serving The Community and Nation, communicates the dedication and commitment to enhance the living standards of those around the industry by meeting their financial needs and delivering exemplary services.
  • Allign with the Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) that aims to generate sustainable impact to the economy and community.
  • Aimed to empowering the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and strengthen the development of social enterprises, development programes for hawkers and petty tradees as well as the graduate entrepreneur programme.
  • To contribute towards United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) 1, 8 & 9.
Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad
Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat
33, Jalan Rakyat, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1-300-80-5454
132Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM)RAKYATPreneur 5.0
  • Serving The Community and Nation, communicates the dedication and commitment to enhance the living standards of those around the industry by meeting their financial needs and delivering exemplary services.
  • Allign with the Value-Based Intermediation (VBI) that aims to generate sustainable impact to the economy and community.
  • Aimed to empowering the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and strengthen the development of social enterprises, development programes for hawkers and petty tradees.
  • To contribute towards United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) 1, 8 & 9.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Holdings Berhad Pertama Complex,
Tower Block Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-2730 8500
133Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)UDA Craft Corner (KIRANA)
  • Provision of retail space for local product entrepreneurs / handicrafts as a marketing and sales hub based on the concept of 'Satu Daerah / Negeri Satu Industri (SDSI)'
Infrastructure , Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)
HIVE 5 (Enterprise 4),
Taman Teknologi MRANTI Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur
134Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)National Technology & Innovation Sandbox (NTIS) - Capacity building (Industry Based Accelerator (IBA) programme)
  • An intensive programme that focuses on accelerating the growth of companies to scale and commercialise products and services by being investment-ready and adopting new and sustainable technologies.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
135Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Program Pembangunan Kapasiti Produk Halal
  • To increase the commercial value of halal products and services on packaging, branding and label development.
Access to Financing , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSMICRO of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
136Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Program Inovasi dan Teknologi HalalIncreasing the success of halal products and services based on innovation and technology.Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESALL SECTORSMICRO Guarantee Corporation (CGC)
97, Jalan SS 7/2, Ss 7 47301
Petaling Jaya Selangor

No. Tel: 03-7880 0088
137Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera-i (TPUB-i)
  • To provide working capital financing to eligible Bumiputera's SMEs who have been awarded contracts or projects by the Government or its agencies, statutory bodies and reputable private/public companies but do not have sufficient collateral and requires financing assistance to undertake the projects.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
138Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Program Pengantarabangsaan Usahawan Halal
  • Provide access for entrepreneurs and cooperatives to the international market through international trade fairs and expos
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)
Bahagian Industri Makanan Wisma Tani,
No. 28, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62624 Putrajaya
140Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Guarantee Schemes:
  • Portfolio Guarantee/ Wholesale Guarantee;
  • BizJamin (previously as Credit Enhancer);
  • BizJamin Bumi (previously as Enhancer Bumi);
  • BizMaju (previously as Enhancer Excel);
  • Flexi Guarantee Scheme; and
  • Francise Financing Scheme. (Guarantee Schemes)
Provide guarantee scheme to help SMEs secure credit facilities from Financial Institutions via CGC.Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Holdings Berhad Pertama Complex,
Tower Block Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
50100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2730 8500
141Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA)UDA Hospitality Talent & Development Program (Talent & Development Program)
  • A program initiated for TVET graduates' employability by assisting Bumiputera graduates in continuing edication and building carreers.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)
Bahagian Industri Makanan Wisma Tani,
No. 28, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62624 Putrajaya
142Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Bahagian Industri Makanan dan Asas Tani (BIMAT) / Federal Agricutural Marketing Authority Jabatan Perikanan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Jabatan Pertanian Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia Lembaga Pertubuhan PeladangProgram Rezeki Tani
  • Small scale economic projects involving production/processing/distribution/marketing activities related to agriculture, livestock and fisheries for low-income groups (B40)
Access to FinancingYESAGRICULTUREB40 Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM)
Wisma LKIM,
Jalan Desaria Pulau Meranti
47120 Puchong Selangor

No. Tel: 03-8064 9000
143Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM)Pusat Pengumpulan dan Pengedaran Ikan (CCDC)
  • Identify and develop infrastructure and provide marketing logistics
  • Encourage the participation of the Fisherman's Association / entrepreneurs as aquaculture fishermen.
Infrastructure , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSB40 Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)
HIVE 5 (Enterprise 4),
Taman Teknologi MRANTI Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur
144Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)Pre-Commercialisation Programme (Pre-Comm)
  • Build capabilities for innovators, research teams and companies to identify challenge areas, spur idea discovery, enhance product development, and build business readiness through public and custom courses in commercial awareness, 4IR technology and applications, and strategic planning.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Film Development Corporation Malaysia
Kompleks Studio Merdeka Jalan Hulu Kelang
68000 Ampang, Selangor MALAYSIA

No. Tel: 603-41041300 No. Fax: 603-41075216
145Ministry of Communications (MC)National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS)Dana Pembangunan Skrip (DKD)
  • Production of feature film scripts, documentaries, short films of high quality for domestic and international platforms.
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Film Development Corporation Malaysia
Kompleks Studio Merdeka Jalan Hulu Kelang
68000 Ampang, Selangor MALAYSIA

No. Tel: 603-41041300 No. Fax: 603-41075216
146Ministry of Communications (MC)National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS)Dana Pesanan Khidmat Awam - PSA (DKD)
  • Publishing videos that have positive values aims to teach and increase awareness based on Civil Malaysia.
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Pertanian Malaysia Berhad (Agrobank)
Leboh Pasar Besar
50726 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2731 1600
147Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad (AGROBANK)DANA PEMBIAYAAN AGROMAKANAN (DPA)
  • To be an enabler or enabler to the development of the agriculture sector and food industry, in line with the policies and strategies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS)
Access to FinancingYESAGRICULTUREALL of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,
Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
148Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekosistem Keusahawanan (BPES)Program Jelajah Keusahawanan Bersasar (JKEB). (Program JKEB)
  • Increase knowledge and skills in financial management and digital marketing among the target group.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSWOMEN ,YOUTH ,B40 Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) Negeri Sembilan
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan
Tingkat 5, Blok A,
Wisma Negeri Jalan Dato' Abdul Malek
70503 Seremban Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 606-765 9900 F ax : 606-761 7386
149Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)Tabung Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Sembilan (TUNS)
  • Financing Assistance in the form of Grants amounting to RM3,000 targeted at Hawkers / Small Traders in Negeri Sembilan
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSMICRO of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
150Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Ekosistem Keusahawanan (BPES) / SME Bank Berhad TEKUN NasionalShowcase Satu Daerah Satu Industri (SDSI) Peringkat Wilayah
  • Provide quality SDSI product and service marketing medium;
  • Improve the image of SDSI products/services;
  • Giving exposure to the public that SDSI's output is potential and of good quality; and
  • Create and expand the business chain between SDSI entrepreneurs with buyers, distributors, marketing agents, stockists, importers, hypermarkets from within and outside the country;
  • Provide awareness regarding business financing opportunities and increase access and business financing opportunities to SDSI entrepreneurs to expand their business; and
  • This integrated program will benefit both entrepreneurs (get financing) and financiers (get business).
Access to Financing , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Film Development Corporation Malaysia
Kompleks Studio Merdeka
Jalan Hulu Kelang
68000 Ampang, Selangor MALAYSIA

No. Tel: 603-41041300
No. Fax: 603-41075216
151Ministry of Communications (MC)National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS)Dana Pengiktirafan Filem (DKD)
  • Start-up fund incentive injection for production companies that have won awards or been nominated at the international level e.g.: 33rd Malaysian Film Festival (FFM33), OSCAR, Anugerah Seri Angkasa (ASA).
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) Negeri Sembilan
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan
Tingkat 5, Blok A,
Wisma Negeri Jalan Dato' Abdul Malek
70503 Seremban Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 606-765 9900
F ax : 606-761 7386
152Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)Tabung Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Sembilan PLUS (TUNS PLUS)
  • Financing Assistance in the form of Interest-Free Easy Loan amounting to RM15,000 targeted at Micro Entrepreneurs in Negeri Sembilan
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSMICRO Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17 Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
153Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Program Peningkatan Kapasiti Pengeluaran Di Kilang Kerja Kayu SME Bumiputera 2.0 (PPKS 2.0)
  • To increase the capacity production of SMEs Bumiputera in term of production, productivity and quality of products
Access to FinancingYESMANUFACTURINGBUMIPUTERA Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI)
Ibu Pejabat MARDI Persiaran MARDI-UPM
43400 Serdang Selangor

No. Tel: 03-8953 6000
155Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI)Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI) Ecosystem Development Programmes
  • Enhancing start-ups/university spin off/SMEs growth by provision of comprehensive and integrated interventions in the critical area of technology & innovation, funding & investment, market access & commercialization and IP service related matters
Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) Negeri Sembilan
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan
Tingkat 5, Blok A, Wisma Negeri Jalan Dato' Abdul Malek
70503 Seremban Negeri Sembilan

Tel : 606-765 9900
F ax : 606-761 7386
156Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (UPEN NEGERI SEMBILAN)TUNS Perintis
  • Providing entrepreneurship training to school students through acculturation entrepreneurship program to foster student's interest in making entrepreneurship sector an option and a career.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSYOUTH of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
157Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Koperasi, Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil (BPKPPK)Projek Pembangunan Baharu/ Menaiktaraf Tamu Desa di Sabah dan Sarawak (Fasa 1)
  • To provide or upgrade retail space/hawker centre to rural guest entrepreneurs at business locations located outside the PBT rating area;
  • Provide a retail space/hawker centre environment with a more conducive infrastructure that will provide more effective marketing access to sales products; And
  • To improve the socio-economics of the surrounding residents through the creation of new job opportunities as a result of the development/upgrading of the rural guests.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSALL Film Development Corporation Malaysia
Kompleks Studio Merdeka Jalan Hulu Kelang
68000 Ampang, Selangor MALAYSIA

No. Tel: 603-41041300
No. Fax: 603-41075216
158Ministry of Communications (MC)National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS)Dana Penyertaan & Promosi Antarabangsa (DKD)Fund marketing activities and branding of local films at the international level to eligible companies / individuals:
  • Recognized international festivals;
  • Representing the country through talent, expertise and knowledge;
  • Distribution activities on recognized international platforms.
Access to FinancingYESSERVICESALL Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17 Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
159Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Penerapan Pengurusan LeanIncrease productivity and efficiency of SMEs in manufacturing wood-based industry.Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOMANUFACTURINGALL of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
160Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Geran Penyelidikan dan Pengkomersilan Vendor 2.0 (GPPV2.0)
  • Encourage the production of new products / services by Bumiputera vendor companies that focus on market needs. Improving products / services and processes in Bumiputera vendor companies to optimise company productivity.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)
Block E4/5,Government Complex Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Center
62668 Putrajaya
161Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP)Bahagian Pembangunan Francais and Vendor (BPFV)Program Pembangunan Kapasiti Vendor 2.0 (PPKV 2.0)
  • Increase the capacity and capability of Bumiputera vendor companies to be more competitive and resilient; and Increase the opportunity for Bumiputera vendor companies to penetrate the domestic and international markets through accreditation, certification and market access and financing.
Access to Financing , Market AccessYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17 Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
162Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Program Promosi Pasaran Tempatan dan AntarabangsaINCREASE THE INDUSTRIES (SMEs) SALES IN DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETMarket AccessNOMANUFACTURINGALL Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17 Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
163Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Skim Insentif Proses Inokulasi Karas Untuk Pengeluar Gaharu (SIPIK) To encourage the growth of the Agarwood industry through the production of Agarwood by inoculation process for the processing of Agarwood oilAccess to FinancingYESAGRICULTUREALL Handicraft Development Corporation
Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur
Seksyen 63 Jalan Conlay
50450 Kuala Lumpur
164Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC)Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation (MHDC)Pembangunan Reka Bentuk Produk Kraf BaharuFocus on the development of quality and competitive new product designs to meet the needs of domestic and international markets.Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOSERVICESALL Handicraft Development Corporation
Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur
Seksyen 63 Jalan Conlay
50450 Kuala Lumpur
165Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC)Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation (MHDC)Program Pembangunan Kemahiran Komuniti KrafThe development program of craft entrepreneurs who are viable and competitive as well as being a catalyst in the development of the craft industry.Human Capital DevelopmentNOSERVICESALL Handicraft Development Corporation
Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur
Seksyen 63 Jalan Conlay
50450 Kuala Lumpur
166Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC)Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation (MHDC)Program Pengkomersialan Kraf - Pemasaran Kraf Secara Fizikal
  • Expand the market size of craft products by carrying out promotional and marketing activities periodically and consistently through market accessibility activities as well as integrated marketing communications.
Market AccessNOSERVICESALL Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17 Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
167Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Peningkatan Kemahiran & Pembangunan Kapasiti Usahawan PerkayuanTo produce expertise in wood training development from youth and industries.Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURINGALL of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (MIDE)
Tingkat Bawah, 3-6,
Wisma Kewangan Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
88593 Kota Kinabalu

Beg Berkunci No. 2037
88622 Kota Kinabalu

No. Tel: 088-255 055 / 264 360 / 264 361
168State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Ministry of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (MIDE)Kursus Pembangunan Usahawanincrease knowledge enterpreneurshipHuman Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURINGALL Guarantee Corporation (CGC)
97, Jalan SS 7/2, Ss 7
47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor

No. Tel: 03-7880 0088
169Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC)Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS)Green Technology has been envisaged as one of the emerging drivers of economic growth for Malaysia. GTFS/GTFS-i 4.0 was established by the Government aimed to encourage local companies and entrepreneurs to be involved in green technology-based projects to support the national green technology agenda which are required to satisfy the following criteria:
  • Minimizes the degradation of the environment;
  • Has a zero or low greenhouse gas emission;
  • Safe for use and promotes healthy and improved environment inhabitants;
  • Conserves the use of energy and natural resources; and
  • Promotes the use of renewable energy resources.
Access to FinancingYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (MIDE)
Tingkat Bawah, 3-6,
Wisma Kewangan Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
88593 Kota Kinabalu

Beg Berkunci No. 2037
88622 Kota Kinabalu

No. Tel: 088-255 055 / 264 360 / 264 361
170State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Ministry of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (MIDE) / Ministry of Industrial Development Sabah Program Transformasi Usahawan Sabah (TRUS-MIDE)Improve packaging quality to gain a foothold in the local market.Human Capital Development , Market AccessNOMANUFACTURINGALL of Industrial Development and Research (DIDR)
1st, 5th, 7th & 8th Floor,
Block C Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens
88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

No. Telefon : 6-088-214866, 215035
Nombor Faks : 6-088-257814, 216698
E-Mail :
171State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Jabatan Pembangunan Perindustrian dan Penyelidikan (JPPP)Bantuan IKS (BAIKS)Enhance SME's capacity and capabilities through grants in the following catgories:
  1. Machinery and equipment
  2. Product Packaging
  3. Business Digitalisation
  4. Halal and Mesti Certificate
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESMANUFACTURINGALL of Industrial Development and Research (DIDR)
1st, 5th, 7th & 8th Floor,
Block C Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens
88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

No. Telefon : 6-088-214866, 215035
Nombor Faks : 6-088-257814, 216698
E-Mail :
172State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Jabatan Pembangunan Perindustrian dan Penyelidikan (JPPP)SME Development CourseEnhance skills and capacity building in various fieldsHuman Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURINGALL Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20 Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
173Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Usahawan Desa (BPUD) / Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) Program Start Right 2.0 (PSR 2.0)
  • provide information and way forward of entrepreneurship provided by KKDW and Agencies;
  • creating a group of potential participants to be entrepreneur and creating new employment opportunities
  • creating opportunity to increase the income of target groups in rural areas in Malaysia.
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL ,B40 Kenaf and Tobacco Board (LKTN)
Kubang Kerian
16150 Kota Bharu Kelantan

No. Tel : 09-766 8000
174Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)National Kenaf and Tobacco Board (LKTN)Program Tanaman Baru Kenaf (Program Promosi Pasaran Tempatan dan Antarabangsa)Increase sales of kenaf based product both in domestic and international market.Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
Aras 13 - 17
Menara PGRM
No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-9282 2235
175Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)Peningkatan Kemahiran dan Pembangunan Kapasiti Usahawan PerkayuanTo produce expertise in wood training development from youth and industries.Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURINGALL Kenaf and Tobacco Board (LKTN)
Kubang Kerian
16150 Kota Bharu Kelantan

No. Tel : 09-766 8000
176Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)National Kenaf and Tobacco Board (LKTN) / National Kenaf and Tobacco Board Program Kenaf Untuk Rakyat Secara Berkelompok Bagi Pengeluaran Fiber Premium (KUR)Increase the number of kenaf entrepreneurs.Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSALL Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)
No 47, Persiaran Perdana,
Presint 4 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8000
177Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Usahawan Desa (BPUD)Rural Business Challenge 2.0 (2024) (RBC 2.0)
  • Encourage youths especially in rural areas to choose entrepreneurship as a career of choice
  • Creating new employment opportunities and increasing income for the surrounding population
  • Creating attractive rural areas to live in
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM)
Wisma LKIM,
Jalan Desaria Pulau Meranti
47120 Puchong Selangor

No. Tel: 03-8064 9000
179Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)KEDAH HALAL FEST 2024 (KHF2024)
Access to Financing , Infrastructure , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Kedah (UPUK)
Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (BPEN)
Lot 3-7 Tingkat 3
Bangunan UTC Kedah, Jln Kolam Air
05675 ALOR SETAR Kedah

Tel: 04-7350069
Fax: 04-7350148
180Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Kedah (UPUK)
Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (BPEN)
Lot 3-7 Tingkat 3
Bangunan UTC Kedah, Jln Kolam Air
05675 ALOR SETAR Kedah

Tel: 04-7350069
Fax: 04-7350148
181Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (BPEN KEDAH)KARNIVAL USAHAWAN KEDAH 2024 (KUK2024)
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Rubber Board
18th Floor Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara)
148 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
182Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK)Malaysian Rubber Board (LGM)TRANSFORMASI PERUSAHAAN GETAH NEGARA (TARGET)
  • Bringing together smallholders and cooperatives/rubber traders as a cluster that is able to produce semi-processed rubber (rubber crepe) and subsequently generate higher income compared to buying and selling cup lump.
Access to Financing , InfrastructureYESALL SECTORSALL Hal Ehwal Wanita Sabah(JHEWA)
Tingkat 3 & 4, Wisma Wanita KM. 3.5
Jalan Tuaran, Beg Berkunci 2082
88999 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

Tel :088-236 110
183State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Jabatan Hal Ehwal Wanita Sabah (JHEWA) / Jabatan Hal Ehwal Wanita Sabah Program Pembangunan Ibu Tunggal dan Wanita B40
  • Provide skills/guidance for single mothers especially from rural areas to help them in generating income through entrepreneurship.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,RURAL ,B40 of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)
Bahagian Industri Makanan Wisma Tani,
No. 28, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62624 Putrajaya
184Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)Bahagian Industri Makanan dan Asas Tani (BIMAT) / Federal Agricutural Marketing Authority (FAMA) Jabatan Perikanan Jabatan Pertanian Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia Lembaga Pertubuhan PeladangProgram Geran Agropelancongan (membina & menaiktaraf infrastruktur dan kualiti perkhidmatan)
  • Empowering the economic and entrepreneurial activities of the agricultural community consisting of farmers, breeders and fishermen by diversifying their sources of income; and
  • Opening up new job opportunities for local residents.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , InfrastructureYESAGRICULTUREBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM)
Bahagian Industri Makanan Wisma Tani,
No. 28, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62624 Putrajaya
185Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)Bank Negara Malaysia's Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (BNM's Fund for SMEs)To enhance access to financing for SMEs at a lower costAccess to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK)
Bank Negara Malaysia
Blok D, Jalan Dato' Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 1300 88 5465
186Ministry of Digital (MD)Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)Dana Teknologi Inovasi Untuk Globalisasi 2024 (TIG)
  • Incentives to encourage product development up to commercialisation stage in order to: i. spearhead development of innovative & commercially viable products and services ii. increase number of commercially viable IP iii. improve competitiveness of companies to enable them going global
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESSERVICESMICRO Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
2360 Persiaran APEC
63000 Cyberjaya Selangor

No. Tel: 1-800-88-8338 / 03-8315 3000
187Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)PROGRAM PEMERKASAAN PRODUK DAN PENSIJILAN
  • Increase entrepreneurs income
  • Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  • Create job opportunities
  • Increase entrepreneurs economy
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
188Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Usahawan Desa (BPUD)OUTREACH KEUSAHAWANAN @ KKDW
  • Promote and become one of the mediums for establishing market access to rural entrepreneurs' products / services to wholesalers, distributors and buyers
  • Increase production volume of rural entrepreneurs with large capacity to meet high demand
  • Promote and create awareness among entrepreneurs on the provided incentives by government to expand their businesses
Market AccessYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)
No 47, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8000
189Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Anjung Usahawan Sundar
  • Provide better amenities and infrastructure through development of proper business premises and SME training centre.
  • Create a more conducive environment for the gradual transformation of our local business communities.
  • Promote the orderly growth of SMEs as well as creating more economic activities.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSALL of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)
2nd, 12th & 13th Floor
Wisma Sumber Alam Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 08-2313 212
190Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Anjung Usahawan Lawas
  • Provide better amenities and infrastructure through development of proper business premises and SME training centre.
  • Create a more conducive environment for the gradual transformation of our local business communities.
  • Promote the orderly growth of SMEs as well as creating more economic activities.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSALL of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)
2nd, 12th & 13th Floor
Wisma Sumber Alam Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 08-2313 212
191Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Demak Laut Industrial Park Phase 2C ( Stage 2)
  • Provide better amenities and infrastructure through development of proper business premises and SME training centre.
  • Create a more conducive environment for the gradual transformation of our local business communities.
  • Promote the orderly growth of SMEs as well as creating more economic activities.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSALL of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)
2nd, 12th & 13th Floor
Wisma Sumber Alam Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 08-2313 212
192Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)Marudi Light Industrial Area Phase 1 ( Stage 2)
  • Provide better amenities and infrastructure through development of proper business premises and SME training centre.
  • Create a more conducive environment for the gradual transformation of our local business communities.
  • Promote the orderly growth of SMEs as well as creating more economic activities.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSALL of International Trade, Industry and Investment (MINTRED)
2nd, 12th & 13th Floor
Wisma Sumber Alam Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya
93050 Kuching Sarawak

No. Tel: 08-2313 212
194State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Ministry of Rural Development Sabah (KPLBS)Pembangunan Usahawan Desa(PUD)
  • To develop or maintain Community Learning Centers (CLC), Pusat Keusahawanan Desa(PKD), Tamu Niaga and Rural Product Exhibition Centers. CLC is used for the development of specific skills capacity for small entrepreneurs under the guidance of KPLBS listed in eKasih. The Exhibition Center is set up to help promote rural products. TamuNiaga was built to provide comfort and convenience to the rural business community.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSRURAL ,B40 of Rural Development Sabah (KPLBS)
Jalan Sanzac Sembulan,
Peti Surat No. 11591
88817 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

Tel:088-224434/ 221556
195State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Ministry of Rural Development Sabah (KPLBS)SATU DAERAH SATU PRODUK (SDSP)
  • The SDSP is an income generation programme that encourages the production of dominant products in a village/district as a landmark/flagship for that village/district. This program provides assistance in building/maintaining entrepreneurship workshop buildings and supplying suitable machines/equipment for the purpose of improving the entrepreneur's product.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSRURAL ,B40 of Rural Development Sabah (KPLBS)
Jalan Sanzac Sembulan,
Peti Surat No. 11591
88817 Kota Kinabalu Sabah

Tel:088-224434/ 221556
196Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)PROJEK AGROTECH WILAYAH KETENGAH
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOAGRICULTUREBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
197Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)DO IT MONEY (DIM)
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL ,B40 Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
198Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)PEMBANGUNAN DAN PELAKSANAAN DESA PINTAR
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOAGRICULTUREBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
199Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)PEMBANGUNAN SEMULA KEMUDAHAN PELANCONGAN DI PULAU PETANG, TASIK KENYIR
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
200Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (KETENGAH)PEMBINAAN BANGUNAN INDUSTRI KECIL DAN SEDERHANA (IKS) DI KAWASAN CHENEH BAHARU
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
  1. Increase entrepreneurs income
  2. Improve entrepreneurs standard of living
  3. Create job opportunities
  4. Increase entrepreneurs economy
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH ,RURAL Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH)
Karung Berkunci No 3 23409 Al Muktafi Billah Shah Terengganu
202Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)PROGRAM INSENTIF PENINGKATAN USAHAWAN TERAMPIL (INPUT)
  • To help increase the production's capacity of products deem to be promoted as commercial products To offer assistance through coaching dan mentoring in entrepreneurship to ensure knowledge delivered will be practiced effectively
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)
Kompleks Ibu Pejabat KEDA
KM7 Jalan Langgar
05460 Alor Setar Kedah Darul Aman
Lot 4780 Jalan Rejang Setapak Jaya
Peti Surat 12254
50772 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: 603 - 4145 5000
204Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)Public - Private Research Network (PPRN)
  • Strengthening public-private research network relationships through providing solution from Higher Education Institution & Public Research Institution to the industries ;
  • Increase productivity through appropriate innovation / technology; and
  • encourage the participation of researchers to provide solutions based on the demands from industries.
Access to Financing , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESALL SECTORSALL of Higher Education (MOHE)
No. 2, Menara 2 Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8870 6875 / 5101 / 5095 / 5111
205Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)PROGRAM PENJENAMAAN PRODUK USAHAWAN DI WILAYAH KEDA (JENAMA)
  • To create promotional medium via visual impact to attract new customers To introduce company's identity through brand, logo and tagline in creating market brand visibility To enhance the quality of labelling and packaging in term of product information such as nutrition facts, barcode and expiry date
Access to Financing , Market AccessYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)
Kompleks Ibu Pejabat KEDA
KM7 Jalan Langgar
05460 Alor Setar Kedah Darul Aman
206Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)PROGRAM KEUSAHAWANAN WANITA DI WILAYAH KEDA (WOMEN BIZ ENTREPRENEURSHIP)
  • To improve the local economy through participation of women in entrepreneurship Tp provide knowledge and current marketing technique to the women's group To empower rural products which potential to be commercialized via involvement of women
Access to Financing , Market AccessYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESWOMEN Kemajuan Wilayah Kedah (KEDA)
Kompleks Ibu Pejabat KEDA
KM7 Jalan Langgar
05460 Alor Setar Kedah Darul Aman
207Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Tahun Keusahawanan Perlis 2024 (TKP)
  • bring together Perlis state entrepreneurs in delivering information regarding grant assistance, financing, business advisory services from various departments and agencies.
  • partnership of successful entrepreneurs to inspire other entrepreneurs to succeed.
  • this program is also held to reveal to the young people about the basics and business opportunities including the types of assistance to cultivate entrepreneurial interest from the very beginning.
  • be a platform for entrepreneurs and agencies to increase sales and income, skills, capacity and product market.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology Adoption , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSMICRO Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN Perlis)
Aras 3, Blok A Kompleks Pentadbiran Negeri, 262
01000 Kangar Perlis

Tel: 04-973 1859
208Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Satu Daerah Satu Industri 2024 (SDSI)
  • to introduce and promote products in each district within a state as well as develop product capacity for marketing purposes throughout the country and abroad or in other words boost the industry / unique new products of a di
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSMICRO Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN Perlis)
Aras 3, Blok A Kompleks Pentadbiran Negeri, 262
01000 Kangar Perlis

Tel: 04-973 1859
213Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Rubber Industry Smallholder Development Authority (RISDA)Aktiviti Ekonomi Tambahan (AET) i. Skim Insentif Start-up ii. Skim Insentif Nano (AET)
  • An initiative to help entrepreneurs manage the product/ service production business based on capacity factor management.
  • Enable capital assistance / incentives to be used efficiently and effectively in developing businesses.
  • Produce smallholder entrepreneurs who are able to manage their business efficiently and effectively using optimal resources.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 Industry Smallholder Development Authority (RISDA)
Bangunan RISDA Km 7,
Jalan Ampang Karung Berkunci 11067
50990 Kuala Lumpur
215Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN KEUSAHAWANAN (PEMBIAYAAN) SPIKE DAN SPIKE GLC
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
216Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) / Majlis Amanah Rakyat PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN KEUSAHAWANAN BELIA (KEUSAHAWANAN)
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
217Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM PEMBIAYAAN MARA INTEGRATED SMART AUTO (MISA)
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
218Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)SKIM PEMBIAYAAN PEMBANGUNAN USAHAWAN PROFESSIONAL (PROSPEC)
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
219Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)SKIM PEMBIAYAAN PERNIAGAAN KHAS WANITA
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
220State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Training for Potential and New EntrepreneursInstill entrepreneurship and impart technical/skill businessHuman Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10,
Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
221Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR) / PEJABAT DAERAH DAN TANAH DANA USAHAWAN MADANI SELANGOR (DUMS)
  • Selangor Madani Entrepreneur Fund Program (DUMS) is a special program organized by the Selangor State Entrepreneurship Standing Committee to help micro, small and medium industry entrepreneurs in the State of Selangor increase sales and at the same time produce resilient, competitive and viable entrepreneurs through gifts in the form of goods/equipment.
Access to FinancingYESALL SECTORSALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN)
Selangor Seksyen Sektoral
Tingkat 5 Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
40503 Shah Alam Selangor

Tel : 03-55447920 / 7487 Fax : 03-55447963
222Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)PROGRAM SOKONGAN & PEMERKASAAN USAHAWAN PERDA - RURAL PRODUCT COMMERCIALIZATION (SPEAR - RPC)
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,B40 Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2
Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
223Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)PROGRAM SOKONGAN & PEMERKASAAN USAHAWAN PERDA -B2T (SPEAR-B2T)
  • Giving exposure & understanding to new entrepreneurs regarding the basic aspects of entrepreneurship & business management
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,B40 Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2
Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
224Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)PROGRAM SOKONGAN & PEMERKASAAN USAHAWAN PERDA - Latihan Modal Insan & Promosi Agro-Desa (SPEAR - Agro Desa)
  • Reforming Agro-Desa community to be highly knowledgeable in existing economic activities in order to create potential new products or services to increase the income of cooperatives and local entrepreneurs.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,RURAL ,B40 Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2
Jalan Kampung Gajah 12200
Butterworth Pulau Pinang
225Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)HARI PELADANG PENTERNAK DAN NELAYAN NEGERI PERLIS (HPPN)
Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology Adoption , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN Perlis)
Aras 3, Blok A Kompleks Pentadbiran Negeri, 262
01000 Kangar Perlis

Tel: 04-973 1859
226Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA)Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA)Latihan memperkasa usahawan sedia ada
  • Training/workshops for targeted groups to improve their skills, gain knowledge, increase productivity, and develop competitiveness among entrepreneurs. Training will be implemented by the department and Wilayah FELDA through collaboration with public and private agencies.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOALL SECTORSALL Land Development Authority (FELDA)
Menara FELDA Platinum Park
No. 11 Persiaran KLCC
50088 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2191 2224
227Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN PERLIS)Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture, and Agrotourism (MAHA)
Human Capital Development , Infrastructure , Innovation and Technology Adoption , Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Perlis (BPEN Perlis)
Aras 3, Blok A Kompleks Pentadbiran Negeri, 262
01000 Kangar Perlis

Tel: 04-973 1859
228Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA)Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA)Program Vendor SAWARI (PVS)
  • Promotion and marketing of FELDA entrepreneurs product to SAWARI outlet via Program Vendor SAWARI (PVS).
Market AccessNOMANUFACTURINGALL Land Development Authority (FELDA)
Menara FELDA Platinum Park
No. 11 Persiaran KLCC
50088 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2191 2224
229Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
InfrastructureNOAGRICULTUREBUMIPUTERA ,B40 Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2 Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
230Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE)HEIs Entrepreneurship Programme 2024
  • Ensure the sustainability of cultivating entrepreneurship in all entrepreneurship programmes.
  • Produce quality students with entrepreneurship mindset, attributes and values.
  • Increase the involvement of HEIs graduates in entrepreneurship as a long term career.
  • Strengthen entrepreneurship educators/ mentors and HEIs staff competency.
  • Increase entrepreneurship programmes by utilizing technology and innovation.
  • Strengthen high impact entrepreneurship network.
  • Strengthen a holistic and integrated synergistic entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSYOUTH of Higher Education (MOHE)
No. 2, Menara 2 Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8870 6875 / 5101 / 5095 / 5111
231Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah (LIGS)Aktiviti Ekonomi Tambahan Pulau Banggi (AETPB)
  • Diversifying the sources of income for the villagers of Pulau Banggi through the introduction of MD2 pineapple cultivation
Aras 3, Wisma Pertanian Sabah Jalan Tasik,
Luyang (Off Jalan Maktab Gaya) Beg Berkunci 2016
88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
232Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah (LIGS)Aktiviti Ekonomi Tambahan (AET)
  • Diversify the sources of income of rubber smallholders through the introduction of AET program
Aras 3, Wisma Pertanian Sabah Jalan Tasik,
Luyang (Off Jalan Maktab Gaya) Beg Berkunci 2016
88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
238Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)PROJEK INDUSTRI KOTEJ BERSEPADU (IKB)
  • Provide information on the Government's current policy, the direction of the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW) and the strategic planning and implementation of entrepreneurship development initiatives offered by the KESEDAR agency.
  • Helping entrepreneurs in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector to improve the quality of themselves and their products.
  • Contributing to the target of increasing the contribution of the small and medium enterprise sector (SME) to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 50% compared to 38.9 percent.
  • Increase the scale of the entrepreneur's business, especially in terms of increasing sales
  • Giving an impact to a more holistic and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Promote resource optimization and prudent spending
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 ,OKU Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)
Bandar Baru Gua Musang
18300 Gua Musang Kelantan Darul Naim
239Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)SAG MADANI (SAG MADANI)
  • Help MSME companies adapt automation and digitization technology in company operations.
  • Increase productivity, energy efficiency and quality of the manufacturing and/or service sector.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Investment Development Authority MIDA Sentral,
No. 5 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 KL Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 2267 3633
241Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii)Digital Engineering & Protoyping/Computer Aided Design (DEP/CAD)
  • CAD (Computer-Aided Design) is the use of computer-based software to assist in the design process. CAD software is often used by engineers from various fields and specialties as well as designers. CAD software can be used to create two- dimensional (2D) drawings or three-dimensional (3D) models. The purpose of CAD is to optimize and streamline the designer's workflow, increase productivity, increase the quality and level of detail in design, improve documentation communication and often contribute towards a manufacturing design database. The output of CAD software comes in the form of electronic files, which are then used accordingly for the manufacturing process.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii)
Block 2280, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000, Cyberjaya Selangor
242Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii)Digital Engineering & Protoyping/Computer-Aided Engineering (DEP/CAE)
  • Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computer software to simulate performance to improve product design or assist in problem solving engineering for various industries. This includes product simulation, validation and optimization, manufacturing processes and tools.The CAE process usually consists of pre-processing, solution and post-processing steps. In the pre-processing phase, engineers model the geometry (or system representation) and the physical nature of the design, as well as the environment in the form of imposed loads or constraints. Next, the model is solved using the appropriate mathematical formulation of basic physics. In the post-processing phase, the results are presented to the engineer for review.
Human Capital DevelopmentNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii)
Block 2280, Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6
63000, Cyberjaya Selangor
243Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Bahagian Pembangunan Usahawan Desa (BPUD)Program Sokongan Pengukuhan Keusahawanan Luar Bandar 2.0-2024 (SPKLB 2.0-2024)
  • Provides the option for entrepreneurs to obtain financial assistance to grow their business and upgrading premises
  • Provides a platform for entrepreneurs to obtain related training
  • Assist entrepreneurs to promote their products and services
  • Encourage entrepreneurs to develop products and services for export markets.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,RURAL Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)
No 47, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62100 Putrajaya

No. Tel: 03-8000 8000
244Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)PROGRAM KELESTARIAN KEUSAHAWANAN KESEDAR
  • Helping entrepreneurs in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector to improve product quality.
  • Helping SME entrepreneurs towards digitization business.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSALL Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)
Bandar Baru Gua Musang
18300 Gua Musang Kelantan Darul Naim
245Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
  • Providing convenient exhibition space and marketing center for Bumiputera entrepreneurs' products to local traders and public.
InfrastructureNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA ,WOMEN ,YOUTH ,MICRO ,RURAL ,B40 ,OKU Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2 Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
246Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)PROJEK NAIK TARAF DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PREMIS PERNIAGAAN PERDA
  • Improve the image of PERDA in the public
  • Provision of comfortable and safe business premises
  • Promote, encourage, assist and work on the development of housing, agriculture, industry, and trade within the operational area of PERDA
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2 Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
247Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA)PROJEK NAIK TARAF INFRASTRUKTUR KAWASAN PERDA FOOD PARK, TASEK GELUGOR, SPU, P.PINANG
  • Upgrade the Road Infrastructure and related Infrastructure in the PERDA FOOD PARK and Midtown PERDA areas to meet the requirements of the Local Authority (PBT) for the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) requirements and submitted to the PBT.
No. 1 , Lorong Kampung Gajah 2 Jalan Kampung Gajah
12200 Butterworth Pulau Pinang
248Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)PROGRAM PENINGKATAN KUALITI PRODUK
  • Provide information on current Government policies, the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development's (KKDW) guidelines and strategic planning and implementation of entrepreneurship development initiatives offered by the KESEDAR agency.
  • Helping entrepreneurs in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector to improve the quality of themselves and their products.
  • Contribute to the target of increasing the contribution of the Small and Medium Enterprise sector (SME) to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 50% compared to 38.9 percent.
  • Increase the scale of the entrepreneur's business, especially in terms of increasing sales
  • Giving an impact to a more holistic and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Promote resource optimization and prudent spending.
Bandar Baru Gua Musang
18300 Gua Musang Kelantan Darul Naim
249Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan (KESEDAR)PEMBINAAN BAHARU KEMUDAHAN PREMIS PERNIAGAAN WILAYAH KELANTAN SELATAN
  • Ensure that the target group can upgrade their lives and economy through income generation through their own skills.
  • As a medium entrepreneur, increase competitiveness by venturing into the field of entrepreneurship.
Bandar Baru Gua Musang
18300 Gua Musang Kelantan Darul Naim
251State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Development of Business Premises (SEDCO / Kementerian Ekonomi) v. Pembinaan 12 unit 2 tingkat (Blok D & E) Fasa 2 di Pelantong, Beluran, SabahProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
252State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Development of Business Premises (SEDCO / MID) vi. Kedai Sook Fasa V (4 unit 2 tingkat & 4 unit 3 tingkat)Provison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
253State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
  • Kedai Dan Hotel 2 Blok Bangunan (Bangunan Hotel 2 Tingkat & Bangunan Kedai 1 Tingkat) Pulau Bum Bum Semporna
  • Provison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.
InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
254State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Kedai Kalabakan (12 unit 2 tingkat)Kedai Kalabakan (12 unit 2 tingkat)InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
255State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Taman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana SEDCOTaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana SEDCOInfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
256Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR)PROGRAM LATIHAN USAHAWANTo improve the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs in running a business.Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Market AccessYESALL SECTORSMICRO Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN)
Selangor Seksyen Sektoral
Tingkat 5 Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
40503 Shah Alam Selangor

Tel : 03-55447920 / 7487
Fax : 03-55447963
257Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)Smart Automation Grant (SAG) MADANI
  • Help MSME companies adapt automation and digitization technology in company operations.
  • Increase productivity, energy efficiency and quality of the manufacturing and/or service sector.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Investment Development Authority MIDA Sentral,
No. 5 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 KL Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 2267 3633
258Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI)Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)Domestic Investment Accelerator Fund (DIAF)
  • Helping SMEs and MTC companies invest in machines, equipment and systems to automate, digitize and practice ESG elements in company operations for the manufacturing and service sectors.
Access to Financing , Human Capital Development , Innovation and Technology AdoptionYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESALL Investment Development Authority MIDA Sentral,
No. 5 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 KL Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 603 2267 3633
259Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM LATIHAN KEUSAHAWANAN MARA
  • Provide entrepreneurial guidance and training to 35,000 bumiputera entrepreneurs in the period 2021-2025.
Tingkat 19 dan 20 Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
260State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Kedai Matunggong Fasa IIProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
261State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Kedai Tungku, Lahad Datu IIProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
262State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Kedai WestonProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
263State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Kedai Sosio Ekonomi Kg.Padas Damit BeaufortProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
264State of Sabah Government (SABAH STATE)Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)Projek Kedai Pitas Fasa 4 Blok C & DProvison of Business premises for entrepreneurs.InfrastructureNOMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO)
Tingkat 8,9 & 10, Wisma SEDCO Lorong Wawasan Plaza
88823 Kota Kinabalu SABAH

Telefon : 088 - 266 777
265Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM PERSIJILAN USAHAWAN MARA
  • Providing a standard development certification program to 1,650 bumiputera entrepreneurs in the period 2021-2025.
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20 Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur No.

Tel: 03-2613 2002
266Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR)Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Selangor (UPEN SELANGOR)PROGRAM PROMOSI USAHAWAN (PROMOSI)
  • To promote the products of Selangor State Entrepreneurs at home and abroad through programs/expos at home and abroad
Market AccessNOALL SECTORSALL Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN)
Selangor Seksyen Sektoral Tingkat 5
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
40503 Shah Alam Selangor

Tel : 03-55447920 / 7487
Fax : 03-55447963
267Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM GATE TO GLOBAL (GTG)
  • Developing Bumiputera entrepreneurs to penetrate the global market by providing global business management training, penetrating the global market whether online or physical, product branding and participating in international business exhibitions including participating in international business matches
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
268Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW)Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)PROGRAM PENDIGITALAN PERNIAGAAN MARA
  • Developing Bumiputera entrepreneurs to help improve efficiency in business operations by using digitization methods.
Innovation and Technology AdoptionNOALL SECTORSBUMIPUTERA Amanah Rakyat(MARA)
Tingkat 19 dan 20
Ibu Pejabat MARA
No. 21, Jalan Mara
50609 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2613 2002
269Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)Jom Jadi Perantis (JUMPER)
  • Equip young Bumiputera graduates and certificate holders with skills and knowledge to venture in retail and distributive trade sectors
  • Assist young Bumiputera graduates and certificate holders to embark on retail and distributive trade businesses through structured and systematic development mechanism
  • Increase graduates' employability
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESSERVICESBUMIPUTERA ,YOUTH Usahawan Nasional Berhad(PUNB)
Level 10, Block 1B Plaza Sentral,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2785 1515
270Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)Program Pembiayaan Keusahawanan PUNB
  • Develop and increase the number of Bumiputera entrepreneurs through PUNB's entrepreneurship financing program
  • Enhancing the capacity of Bumiputera entrepreneurs with knowledge through training and development programs as well as market exposure
Access to Financing , Human Capital DevelopmentYESMANUFACTURING & SERVICESBUMIPUTERA Usahawan Nasional Berhad(PUNB)
Level 10, Block 1B Plaza Sentral,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

No. Tel: 03-2785 1515
This content is updated based on the 2024 Planned Report (SMEIPA).